Checkered Shirt |
Black Retro 80'S Aviator Unisex Wayfarer Sunglasses |
The clothing most suitable to go with this music video would be a checkered shirt, with jeans and the people that are being the monkeys in the film will have to wear masks and also everyone in the filming even the women (George) and Bruno mars (Michael) have to wear glasses. Wearing all this gives our product a sense of realism, because this is what they wear in the music video originally.
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Monkey Mask |
Both the monkey mask and glasses both looked similar to the props that are used in the official music video.
First we have me, I am one of the 5 monkey so I'm wearing a monkey mask with glasses with a black, white and red checkered shirt and also denim jeans, second in from the left. The only things that were provided to me was the monkey mask and the glasses the rest of the clothing is mine.
Secondly we have monkey number 2 which is Jamie, far right. As you can see Jamie is also wearing a checkered shirt with jeans and with a monkey mask and glasses. Again the only thing that was provided to Jamie was the monkey mask and glasses.
Thirdly we have number 3 monkey which is Liam, far left. He is wearing a checkered shirt with some jeans and shoes, he provided all of the clothing himself but the monkey mask and glasses he does not own.
Here is another monkey of ours, his name is Jae, he is the second in from the right, next to Michael (Bruno Mars). As you can see he is wearing the monkey mask with glasses and also with a black t-shirt and dark jeans.
At the back, in the middle we have Conor, he is wearing a red polo with light blue jeans, with no shoes and the monkey mask and glasses.
We have George who is the LadyMan in the film, he is second from the right in the back row, he was wearing a dressing gown, with glasses and a hat as that what the one in the music video was wearing.
Lastly we have Michael, knelling down at the front, he is the singer Bruno Mars and he is wearing a red, blue and green checkered shirt with dark jeans, he is also wearing glasses which is a prop we have to use in the music video.
We decided at the end that the people who didn't have a checkered shirt could wear some alternative clothing that was suitable so some of the people in our music video wore t-shirts but it didn't make it look any different or any poorer.