Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Preliminary Task 2 - Music Video Remake - Planning


We decided that we wanted to do a popular song for our remake, so we've chosen the Lazy Song. we only need 7 people in the whole process of filming as there is 7 people in the video.

The 7 people that are going to be in the music video are:

-Michael Mendes De Costa - Bruno Mars
-George Taylor - The Man but dressed as a women
-Jamie Farrow - Monkey 1
-Jack Baird - Monkey 2
-Conor Farrow - Monkey 3
-Jae - Monkey 4
-Liam Rothwell - Monkey 5

This means we have to buy 6 pairs of glasses as all the monkeys and Bruno Mars needs to wear them, and we also need to buy 5 monkey masks.

We picked Michael to be Bruno Mars because we thought that he has a similar look to Bruno as he has similar hair and he also similar skin tone to Bruno and he also does drama so he wont be shy in-front of the camera as he has to perform in-front of people when he does his acting.

We picked George to play the man who's dressed as women as we thought he suited the role well as he is doesn't get embarrassed in doing things like this.

Me and Jamie decided to be in it as we thought it would be fun and it is our media product so we decided to be in it.

We picked Conor, Liam and Jae to be in our video with us as we know they wont mess about when we are filming and also the majority of them are good dancers so they may pick the moves up quick. And because we asked them to and they all said yes.

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